Why ACOD Ghent University will participate in the strike of April 22nd 2015

Submitted by ACOD UGent on vr, 04/17/2015 - 10:29

Because the government, despite the protests in November and December, continues its antisocial and unjust policies. On a daily basis, the government proposes new provocations, new cuts, and new attacks. It continuously demonstrates that it has chosen the side of the multinationals, speculators and the wealthiest, and it wants to pass the costs of the crisis to workers, young people and those who rely on social wellfare. The government refuses to make even the slightest corrections to its antisocial policies. In the discussions surrounding the Tax Shift, it has shown that it is not willing to ensure a fairer distribution of taxes, or that the wealthy should contribute to society. ACOD Ghent University demands: stop the attacks on working class people, and create a fairer system of taxation.

Because cutbacks are not only antisocial, but they are also economically counterproductive. Even the IMF has had to acknowledge this now: at the World Economic Forum in Davos, IMF-president Christine Lagarde said that growing inequality hinders future economic growth. Cutbacks redistribute the wealth of the majority of the population to the richest one percent. They don’t create new jobs, and they don’t ensure economic growth, quite the contrary. They destroy the demand side of the economy. And yet the government continues to plea for new cutbacks, lower wages, and lower pensions. ACOD Ghent University demands: stop the cutbacks, and adopt policies aimed at sustainable growth and economic justice.

Because fully functioning public services guarantee progress and justice. Thousands of jobs are being lost in health care, education, public administration, public transport… Public services are becoming more expensive, while the lack of sufficient funding and staff leads to lesser quality services. ACOD Ghent University pleads for investment in high quality, accessible and efficient public services, and says no to further cutbacks.

Because the cutbacks also effect education and research. The Flemish regional government already made cuts to the general budgets of the universities and in essential research funding. Rather than addressing the funding shortfalls that have been plaguing the universities for years, it wants to divert more funds to industrial innovation. ACOD demands an increase of public funding for education and research. We demand investments in universities and public research institutions. Policies promoting innovation can not be focused solely on giving financial presents to industry without making guarantees regarding employment or acknowledging other contributions to society.

Because we struggle for better working conditions and contracts for all university employees. Many of our colleagues are still working in precarious situations. As long as universities continue to be underfunded, and as long as research funding is allocated on a competitive basis, there will be negative consequences for both the working conditions and contracts of university staff. ACOD Ghent University demands an education and research policy that places the interests and rights of all university staff first. We demand an increase in universities’ general funding, rather than the allocation of funds on a competitive basis. We struggle for increasing researchers’ job security.

I want to participate in the strike, how can I do so?

Every member of staff has the right to go on strike, even if you are not a union member. The university can, however, decide not to pay your salary for that day. If you are member of the ACOD union, you can obtain compensation for the loss of salary during the strike.

There are no formal obligations if you decided to go on strike. You are not obliged to notify anyone, you are not obliged to register anywhere. Of course, you are free to make practical agreements with your colleagues or the head of your department.

You can stay at home during the strike, or you may participate in the actions that will take place on April 22nd. A picket line will be held, before the Rectory, starting at 7AM. You are always welcome here for a warm discussion, coffee, tea or breakfast.

Want to know more? Contact acod@ugent.be or 0494/99.10.49. You can also follow us on Twitter: @ACOD_UGent